The vines experienced a properly cold winter (June to August 2021), a cool growing season and moderate weather leading up to harvest (January to February 2022), allowing for slow and layered flavour development. December and January saw multiple heatwaves, causing a further delay in ripening as vines shut down – closed stomata to conserve water, reducing photosynthesis and thus sugar accumulation). Rains during this time increased disease pressure. Deciding on the picking date was tricky yet vital. Rigorous sorting in the vineyard and cellar was necessary. All indications point to a classical Stellenbosch vintage.
Hand-harvested into kissies (lug boxes), overnighted in a cold room, processed the next day. Wholebunch pressed. Pneumatic press, champagne cycle – slow and gentle. Spontaneous alcoholic and malolactic fermentation. Juice fermented in neutral oak.
Pata Pata, Stomata Stomata:
“Pata Pata” was written by South African singer Miriam Makeba a.k.a Mama Africa in 1967. Pata Pata means ‘touch touch’ in Xhosa and was a famous dance in Joburg in the 1950s. Stomata are found on the underside of leaves. They allow for gas exchange in plants, and close and open depending on climatic conditions. It signifies the hands-on approach that both farmers and winemakers had to have during a tricky season with a slight nod to the heatwaves during harvest which causes the stomata of the vines to close during stress.
ANALYSIS: ALC 13% |RS 1.15 g/l |TA 5.4 g/l | pH 3.22
12 in stock
“The names for both wines come from a ’90s Western and are phrases used by my favourite character in the film, Doc Holliday.
Being a daisy signified being the best at something, most wonderful, also indicates innocence and purity (just juice, no skins).
You’re a Daisy If You Do is a cheeky/light-hearted challenge meaning ‘you’re the best if you do’.
I’m Your Huckleberry signifies acceptance of a challenge, saying ‘I’m the one you’re looking for’; ‘Call me, I’ll answer’; ‘Tell me where, I’ll show up/I’ll be there’, ‘I’m it’.” – Jollette Steyn
Both images (from an artist in Madrid) on the labels will have a bit of movement, and energy, and completely open to interpretation – a party.
Sémillon is one of the original heritage grapes, and accounted for more than 90% of vineyard plantings in the Cape in the 1820s. Nowadays, Sémillon makes up less than 1% of total plantings in South Africa. It is also known as wyndruif (wine grape) or groendruif (green grape)
Producer | The Vineyard Party |