
Strydom Family Wines Siblings 2023


A beautiful blend of 59% Chenin Blanc, 24% Roussanne, 17% Marsanne.

“This is only the second time we harvested grapes from these vineyards planted in 2020 and the first commercial wine released. The palate is smooth, creamy and textured with balanced acidity. The taste combination of pear, quince, yellow apples and citrus, a touch of earthiness, and salty aftertaste.” – Rianie Strydom

ANALYSIS: ALC 13% | RS 2.4 g/l | TA 5.5 g/l | pH 3.39

Alc 12.92% | RS 2.4 g/l | TA 5.5g/l | pH 3.39

1 in stock

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Strydom Family Wines