
Orpheus & The Raven Old Bush Vine Chenin 2024


Produced from 51-year-old bush vines in Durbanville. A youthful green edge adds an instant brilliance that gracefully yields a pale golden core. Chenin lovers will enjoy how the aromas emerge strikingly: freshly sliced nectarine complemented by a touch of Malden salt, embroidered with finer nuances of quince, ripe orange, nartjie, grapefruit and blossoms evocative of these fruits.

Ripe fruit, oak and lees contact imparts a creamy texture with an ever-present salinity. Herbal notes of fennel and lime leaves adds a savoury sheen for a delightful contrast. The wine has a great length, elegant floral accents, and a persistent limy character, adding to the chalky dry finish.

ANALYSIS: Alc: 13.5% | RS: 6.2 g/l | TA: 3.41 g/l | PH: 6.1

4 in stock


While Orpheus could bend the world to his will, and charm all living things with music and song, he could not convince the Raven to reveal to him the Light.

The Light ­that would allow him to see the past and the future at once, so that he could understand the present. As he watched the cunning Raven dancing to his musical charms, the bird cried: “Orpheus, never look back!” revealing to him glimpses of Light hidden in plain sight behind the darkness of his raised wings.

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Orpheus & The Raven